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Calming Eye Cream, 15ml

Calming Eye Cream, 15ml

Regular price €17,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €17,95 EUR
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LV: Vieglas tekstūras krēms no LAZIENNE Cosmetics, bagātināts ar 1% kanabidiola, kam piemīt nomierinošas īpašības. Atsvaidzina ādu ap acīm, sniedzot tūlītēju komfortu un mitrināšanu. Samazina pietūkumu un tumšos lokus. Uzklājiet uz tīras ādas acu zonas rajonā.

ENG: LAZIENNE Cosmetics light texture, infused with 1% Cannabidiol that has skin calming properties. Refreshes the skin around the eyes, providing immediate comfort and hydration. Prevents puffiness and dark circles. Apply to clean skin around the eye area.

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