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Fresh Conditioner, Citrus Cocktail, 370ml

Fresh Conditioner, Citrus Cocktail, 370ml

Regular price €16,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16,95 EUR
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LV: Baro matu galus, novēršot lūšanu un šķelšanos. Ar LAZIENNE Cosmetics mati kļūst zīdaināki un vieglāk veidojami. Uzklājiet uz matu galiem, atstājiet iedarboties 1–3 minūtes un izskalojiet. 

ENG: Nourishes hair ends, preventing breakage and split ends. With LAZIENNE Cosmetics hair becomes silkier and easier to style. Apply to the ends of the hair, leave for 1-3 min. to absorb and rinse out.

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