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Glycolic Acid Liquid Exfoliator, 250ml

Glycolic Acid Liquid Exfoliator, 250ml

Regular price €18,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €18,95 EUR
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LV: LAZIENNE Cosmetics maigi eksfoliējošs līdzeklis ar 3,5% glikolskābi, kas palīdz noņemt uzkrājušās ādas šūnas un veicina vienmērīgāka ādas tona izskatu. Regulāri lietojot, āda kļūst gludāka un mirdzošāka. Uzklāt dažas reizes nedēļā vakarā uz tīras un sausas ādas.

ENG: LAZIENNE Cosmetics gentle exfoliating solution enriched with 3.5% Glycolic Acid designed to remove skin build-up and promote the appearance of a more even skin tone. Its properties make the skin appear smoother and brighter with every use. Apply few times weekly in the evening to clean and dry skin.

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